The Center for High-rate Nanomanufacturing (CHN) is focused on developing tools and processes that will make it possible for businesses to quickly and efficiently manufacture products. For many nanoproducts currently under development, the technology only allows us to laboriously make a limited range of products. Our goal is high-rate, high-volume
CHN Latest News
What We Do

The transfer of nanoscience into useful technology cannot be realized until experts understand how best to assemble and connect trillions of nanoelements, while also preventing failures and avoiding defects.

Education & Outreach
The CHN’s Education program builds on a strong existing network of partnerships among industry, universities, and teachers and students to deliver the much-needed public education on many aspects of nanomanufacturing.

For Industry
Discovering new applications for nanotechnology is one of the major reasons that the CHN fosters close ties with businesses and government agencies
Feature Video
How can we mass-produce sophisticated products from materials too small to see? “From Lab to Fab” follows the story of two nanotech entrepreneurs navigating the rocky road from discovery to commercialization, with products ranging from tiny implantable body sensors to bullet-proof vests and aircraft flooring.