About Us
The Center for High-rate Nanomanufacturing (CHN) is a research center focused on nanomanufacturing processes and designing sensors and other products using these processes. Headquartered at Northeastern University in Boston, MA, we create and translate knowledge so that nanotechnology can better meet global and societal needs.
Our research and development work falls into four broad categories:
Nanotechnology products and applications
Nanomanufacturing processes
Environmental health & safety of nanomanufacturing and nanoproducts
Regulatory, legal, and ethical issues related to nanomanufacturing
Nanomanufacturing refers to making products at the nano-scale (one-billionth of a meter). CHN was an early leader in the global nanomanufacturing community. In the past decade, government agencies, multinational corporations, academic researchers and individual entrepreneurs have used the center’s scientific facilities and its experts, patents and intellectual property. Our research labs house over $6 million of advanced equipment, and each year the CHN hosts visitors from around the world.
CHN discoveries at Northeastern have led to dozens of patents for products and processes. Some patents will be licensed to multinational corporations, while other ideas have been commercialized by new entrepreneurial spin-off businesses. CHN activities have been funded by the US National Science Foundation ($24 million over 10 years), the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative ($2 million over 5 years), and the private sector (over $20 million since 2004).
Education is also core to the center’s mission. Programs provide information to a range of audiences, from teenagers who may seek employment in this sector to leading business executives who are seeking information on the most recent developments.
Northeastern University was the lead partner in the establishment of the NSF Center for High-rate Nanotechnology (CHN). The University of Massachusetts-Lowell and the University of New Hampshire in Durham are key partners, along with other collaborators at the Museum of Science, Michigan State University, the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative, and private sector firms.
Goals - Missions
Northeastern's Mission:
To educate students for a life of fulfillment and accomplishment.
To create and translate knowledge to meet global and societal needs.
Center for High-rate Nanomanufacturing's Mission:
To bridge the gap between nanoscale science research and the creation of commercial products.
To develop processes and tools that will enable high-rate/high-volume, bottom-up, nanoscale directed assembly of nanoelements and polymer nanostructures.
To pioneer essential education in nanomanufacturing and it's associated environmental, economic, and societal implications for industry, the workforce, universities, K-12 teachers, students and the public.
To overcome barriers to commercialization:
Barrier 1. How can companies assemble and connect different nano-scale elements?
Barrier 2. How can companies scale up assembly processes and make products in a continuous or high rate manner?
Barrier 3. How can we test for reliability in nanoelements and connections? How can we efficiently detect and remove defects?
Barrier 4. Do nanoproducts and processes require new economic, environmental, and ethical/regulatory assessment and new socially-accepted values?