The CHN’s Education program builds on a strong existing network of partnerships among industry, universities, and teachers and students to deliver the much-needed public education on many aspects of nanomanufacturing.
We also provide programs for business executives and leaders in government about new developments in nanotechnology and nanomanufacturing. For developing the next generation of leaders, we recruit the best students to conduct research at the frontiers of our field, leading to the commercialization of new technologies with unparalleled advantages in medicine, electronics, energy, and many other applications.
CHN engages in four basic categories of education and outreach:​
Conferences & Professional Training

The CHN disseminates its expertise in nanomanufacturing by organizing conferences and workshops. For nearly a decade, CHN hosted an annual workshop on surface cleaning. During the first six months of 2013, the CHN hosted two workshops to discuss Advanced Technologies for Nano-enabled Manufacturing.
The CHN also shares its expertise by speaking at conferences and other events. For example, senior staff, post-doctoral and graduate students, and others affiliated with the Center present papers, display research results in poster sessions, and demonstrate products or processes as a conference exhibitor.
The CHN offers professional and pre-professional training for individuals and for businesses. The specialized research facilities at Northeastern are available for outside researchers to use, and Northeastern instructors can provide customized training for individuals or small groups. The CHN also offers open-enrollment programs. For information, please contact Eric Howard, CHN Corporate & Outreach Manager at 617-373-3294.
Undergraduate & Graduate Education
At any given time, between 100 and 125 undergrads, graduate students and post-docs are studying and learning about nanomanufacturing and nanotechnology at Northeastern or one of the other partner institutions. About half of the students are US citizens and half are international, primarily from Asia and Europe, but also from Africa, Latin America and other parts of the world. Graduate students are focused on research, while undergraduate education includes coop and work experiences, undergraduate research opportunities, capstone and senior thesis projects, and courses and educational modules for undergraduate-level education.
A summer program for undergraduates gives them an opportunity to perform cutting-edge research. During a ten-week summer program, students work in teams, conduct research under the guidance of their graduate student mentors, and are supervised by faculty advisors and post-doctoral researchers. The summer research experience includes a weekly professional development component that allows skill-building in communication, laboratory safety, and library research skills.
The links below provide additional information about some of Northeastern’s educational offerings.
Selected Courses at Northeastern:
Northeastern was one of the first institutions in the country to offer nanomanufacturing lab experience to undergraduate students, and alumni of the University are working for businesses, agencies, and institutions worldwide. During the 2012-13 Academic Year, Northeastern offered 22 courses that addressed nanomanufacturing, nanotechnology or nanotechnology-related topics.
CHEM 5636 Statistical Thermodynamics
CHEM 7247 Advances in Nanomaterials
CHEM 7250 Chemical Bioenergetics: Applications in Biomaterials Design
CHME 4634 Nanomaterials: Thin Films and Structures
CHME 7220 Electronic Materials, Thin Films, and Nanostructures
EECE 3392 Electronic Materials
EECE 5606 Micro- and Nanofabrication
ENGR 4608 Nanotechnology in Engineering
ENGR 6150 Nanotechnology in Engineering
IE 5630 Biosensor and Human Behavior Measurement
MATL 7390 Advanced Materials Processing
ME 7253 Advanced Vibrations
ME 7262 Nanomanufacturing 1
ME 7355 Graduate Seminar in Nanoscale Manufacturing
NNMD 5470 Nanomedicine Product Development: From Concept to Market
NNMD 7270 Introduction to Nanomedicine Science and Technology
NNMD 7272 Nanomedicine Seminar
NNMD 7370 Nanosystems Design for Biology and Medicine
PHIL 1145 Technology and Human Values
PHYS 5114 Physics of Advanced Materials
PHYS 5260 Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
POLS 7333 Science, Technology, and Public Policy

K-12 Teachers and Students

As part of our long-term mission, the CHN has a keen interest in the development of the next generation of researchers and leaders in nanomanufacturing. Our outreach helps K-12 teachers and students understand the science, the beauty and the excitement of our growing field.
K-12 teachers, for example, are able to participate in six-week long research experiences for teacher (RET) program through Northeastern’s Center for Enhancement of Science and Mathematics Education (CESAME). Much of their time is spent in research laboratories, and they also keep a journal for reflecting on their experiences and develop a research presentation to be shared with colleagues and affiliates at the end of the summer.
For kids, we created the Geckoman game. The CHN also helped create lesson plans, and independent evaluations were carried out to demonstrate its effectiveness. This information is available on-line.
Public Programs
CHN researchers frequently travel schools, science fairs, and other events to talk about nanotechnology – as a field, as a science and as a potential career. The CHN facilities are also open to groups that would like a tour. The lab at Northeastern’s Kostas Nanomanufacturing Center and the Nanomanufacturing Facilities and Plastics Processing Laboratories at the University of Massachusetts Lowell receive a constant stream of visitors.
The Museum of Science in Boston is one of our most active partners for public programs. The Museum is developing innovative and effective science education experiences to engage public audiences and enhance their understanding of nanoscale science and engineering. They have designed live stage presentations, special events, interactive online exhibits, and multimedia products.
The nano-themed presentations are delivered 100+ times per year on the Museum’s Gordon Current Science & Technology Center stage. Since 2006, these presentations have reached more than 60,000 men, women, and children. For example, the Amazing Nano Brothers Juggling Show has educated and entertained museum audiences at the Museum as well as on the road with traveling performances at schools and other museums. The Museum also provides workshops for graduate students and REU students on communicating science to public audiences.